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Inspiring Through Timeless Artefacts

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日月如梭,時光流逝,枯木朽腐,本是自然界必然循 環;但神秘的大自然卻可令木化石不隨常規,於朽化前結晶,歷經數百萬年轉換成永恆不朽的化石,永存原木本來紋理,稀有而獨特。

未來,你將可於荃灣西唯一集學習與娛樂於一體的木化石景點 ‒ 如心園,透過一系列創新設計的學與樂編排,了解有關木化石的奧秘,適合各年齡層一同參與。如心園將成為新界西一個寓學習於娛樂的獨特地標,帶參觀者進入一段溯古追今、體驗跨越時空的時間旅程。

Nothing can escape the natural process of decay after life, except fossils which remain to teach us about the evolution of nature. Fossil wood crystallises before decaying, with the unique wood figure preserved. Each piece is exclusive and rare.

Soon you will be able to learn and understand the mystery of fossil wood from the one-of-a-kind wood fossil park in Tsuen Wan West, the Nina Park. This park is designed to provide an exceptional edutainment experience, bringing the past to life for people at all ages.