
  1. 保障個人資料的承諾


    1. 就處理個人資料而言,華懋集團致力按《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)(「條例」)保障閣下的個人資料私隱。
    2. 為使閣下在使用本集團網站時,就是否向本集團提供閣下的個人資料(「資料」)自行作出決定,本集團在本聲明中概述就收集及使用閣下的資料本集團的政策及實務,及閣下的選擇。本聲明載列可被收集的資料種類,閣下的資料可被使用的主要用途,及就提出查閱資料要求及改正資料要求閣下可聯絡的人士。
    3. 本集團可不時更新本聲明,並建議閣下不時檢閱本聲明。

  2. 本集團收集資料的種類
    1. 本集團向閣下收集的資料種類會因應 (i) 閣下與華懋集團的關係的性質及 (ii) 閣下要求或獲提供的服務、產品設施或優惠的種類而定。本集團收集的資料種類可包括:
      1. 閣下的個人資料(例如:姓名、性別、出生日期、國籍、家庭狀況、護照或其他身份證明號碼,或閣下在任何華懋集團成員或其業務夥伴的登記狀況詳情);
      2. 閣下的聯絡資料(例如:閣下的電話號碼、郵寄地址、電郵地址及傳真號碼);
      3. 閣下的商業資料(例如:閣下的公司、僱主或主事人的名稱及閣下的職銜);
      4. 閣下的信用卡或其他簽賬卡資料(例如:持卡人姓名、卡號、帳單地址及有效日期);
      5. 閣下使用本集團網站、服務或產品的資料、閣下的個人喜好及意見,及對推廣優惠及調查的回應。
    2. 本集團強調,閣下並無義務向本集團提供資料。然而,如閣下選擇不向本集團提供資料,則本集團可能無法為閣下提供或繼續提供有關資訊、服務或產品。

  3. 收集及使用個人資料的用途
    1. 因應(i)閣下與華懋集團的關係的性質及(ii)閣下要求或獲提供的服務、產品、設施或優惠的種類,華懋集團成員可不時使用資料作下列一種或多種用途:
      1. 處理閣下就服務、產品、設施或優惠的申請或要求(包括評估及調查閣下履行閣下的責任的能力及,在適當時,評估及調查閣下的信貸價值、財務狀況及還款能力);
      2. 向閣下提供服務、產品、設施或優惠,及就維持及管理該等服務、產品、設施或優惠處理所需安排及事宜(包括法律、行政及其他事宜)。該等服務、產品、設施或優惠可關於物業或車位的買賣或租賃、提供按揭貸款或物業管理,亦可包括會籍或獎賞計劃;
      3. 核對閣下的身份及資料是否準確;
      4. 不時評定及檢討閣下履行閣下的責任的能力及,在適當時,評定及檢討閣下的信貸價值、財務狀況及還款能力;
      5. 計算就有關服務、產品、設施或優惠,應由閣下或向閣下支付的任何金額;
      6. 追收或討回閣下以任何身份欠下的任何金額或債務;
      7. 執行閣下與任何華懋集團成員訂立的任何協議或安排的條款,及採取合適行動以保護或保存任何華懋集團成員的權利或利益;
      8. 與閣下聯絡及作整體關係管理及維繫;
      9. 調查、處理及回應閣下作出的或對閣下作出的,或以任何方式涉及閣下的任何意見、信息、要求、查詢、投訴或事件;
      10. 協助閣下向其取得或申請信貸服務的銀行、金融機構及信貸提供者,進行彼等對閣下的信貸調查或向閣下追收欠債;
      11. 透過本集團網站或其他電訊途徑或電子方式,為閣下或整體客戶設計、安排、提供或促成服務、產品、設施、優惠、活動或節目;
      12. 進行調查、研究及分析,以協助向閣下或整體客戶提供服務、產品、設施、優惠、活動或節目;
      13. 促銷及推廣任何華懋集團成員提供的,或與任何華懋集團成員訂立任何品牌聯營或合作安排的任何業務夥伴或特選公司(各稱「本集團夥伴」)提供的服務、產品及設施,並請留意下列K段「使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷」的詳情;
      14. 遵守按任何法律或規例,或由任何政府機關、監管機構、執法機關、法庭或司法機構(不論在香港境內或境外),就使用或披露個人資料向任何華懋集團成員施加的任何責任或要求(不論現有的或將來出現的);
      15. 遵守華懋集團為防止或偵測洗黑錢、恐佈份子融資或其他非法活動,而就使用或披露個人資料實施的任何政策及措施;
      16. 核對或比較任何華懋集團成員不時持有的資料,為了或有意產生或核實可用作對閣下採取不利行動的資料;
      17. (如任何華懋集團成員真誠地相信有必要使用或披露個人資料)以保護任何華懋集團成員的權利或財產,或確認或聯絡任何可能對任何華懋集團成員的權利或財產構成損害或妨害的人士(不論有意與否)或向該人士提出法律行動,又或在任何其他人士可能因此受損的情況下;
      18. 讓任何華懋集團成員或其業務及資產(或任何部分,包括任何由華懋集團成員提供的按揭貸款)的實際或潛在買家或承讓人,為有關買賣或轉讓估值;及
      19. 作其他與任何上述用途直接有關的用途,或閣下可不時同意的其他用途。
    2. 在未經閣下同意的情況下,本集團不會明知或蓄意地使用、披露、出售或出租本集團獲提供的資料,以用作並非上述用途或與上述無關的用途。

  4. 披露及轉移資料
    1. 華懋集團成員會將資料保密,但可向下列一種或多種類別的人士,為上述第3段列出的用途不時披露或移轉資料:
      1. 任何其他華懋集團成員作提供服務、產品、設施或優惠相關之用;
      2. 如任何華懋集團成員提供按揭貸款,該按揭貸款的任何借款人、按揭人或擔保人(包括任何共同借款人、共同按揭人或共同擔保人,如適用);
      3. 向任何華懋集團成員提供有關銷售或推廣物業或其一般業務或運作的服務或支援的任何代理人、次代理人、供應商、承辦商、次承辦商或服務供應商(包括彼等的僱員、董事、人員、代理及服務供應商)。該等服務或支援可包括銷售及推廣、資料儲存、資料處理、行政、電訊或電腦服務。該等代理人、次代理人、供應商、承辦商、次承辦商或服務供應商可能是或不是華懋集團成員;
      4. 閣下向其取得或申請信貸服務的任何銀行、金融機構或信貸提供者(可包括第一樓花按揭承按人或第一按揭承按人);
      5. 任何華懋集團成員為遵守法律、規例或法庭命令所需,或符合任何政府機關、監管機構、執法機關、法庭或司法機構的合法要求,有責任或被要求向其披露個人資料的任何人士,或當任何華懋集團成員真誠地相信有必要披露個人資料(包括但不限於)以保護其權利或財產,或確認或聯絡任何可能對其權利或財產構成損害或妨害的任何人士(不論有意與否)或向該人士提出法律行動,又或當任何其他人士可能因此受損;
      6. 任何華懋集團成員為了遵守本集團為防止或偵測洗黑錢、恐佈份子融資或其他非法活動而實施的任何政策及措施,被要求向其披露個人資料的任何人士;
      7. 對任何華懋集團成員負有保密責任的任何人士,包括會計師、核數師、律師及其他專業顧問;
      8. 由任何華懋集團成員委任,對閣下履行閣下的責任的能力及,在適當時,閣下的信貸價值、財務狀況及還款能力進行評估及調查的任何獨立承包商或代理人;
      9. (當閣下拖欠償還任何金額或債務時)任何追討欠款公司;及
      10. 任何華懋集團成員或其業務及資產(或任何部分,包括任何由本集團成員提供的按揭貸款)的任何實際或潛在買家或承讓人。
    2. 資料可能向任何上述人士在香港境內轉移或轉移至香港境外。閣下向任何華懋集團成員提供資料,即閣下同意華懋集團可將資料轉移至香港境外。如資料被轉移至香港境外,本集團會採取實際可行的步驟,確保按照與條例的要求一致的準則,保護被轉移至香港境外的資料,惟須符合在有關司法管轄區適用的任何其他要求及限制。

  5. 保存資料
    1. 本集團保存閣下提供的資料的時間不會超過為貫徹上述3段所載的用途的所需時間。資料會在完成用途後根據條例被銷毀。

  6. 使用曲奇檔案
    1. 為讓本集團網站向閣下提供更佳的用戶體驗及可自訂及個人化的服務,可能於閣下電腦建立及儲存“曲奇”檔案。曲奇檔案是自動建立及儲存於閣下電腦或其他存取裝置(例如:智能電話或平板電腦)內的互聯網瀏覽器上的小型文字檔案,可供本集團網站檢索。曲奇檔案會儲存有關閣下的網站喜好(例如:如閣下查詢價格及供應情況,網站可能建立一個載有閣下輸入的詳情的曲奇檔案)、導航模式、閣下的登入名稱等,及用於跟進閣下對本集團網站的到訪,但不會透過取覽閣下電腦內的其他內容收集及儲存任何資料。例如,本集團網站不會辨識閣下的姓名、地址、電話號碼或任何類似資料,閣下選擇在任何本集團網站輸入該等資料則除外。大部分互聯網瀏覽器自動接受曲奇檔案,但如閣下欲停用曲奇檔案,閣下可在任何時間於閣下瀏覽器上選擇停用。然而,如停用曲奇檔案,閣下將不能使用本集團網站某些功能。

  7. 登入存檔
    1. 本集團亦可能收集閣下的網絡協議位址(IP address)、瀏覽器類別、網域名稱及存取時間等資料(「登入存檔」)。登入存檔主要會用作本集團內部研究,並會與資料分開保存。在條例允許的某些情況下,網絡協定位址可用作協助調查、阻嚇及/或防止本集團網站上出現侮辱或犯罪活動。

  8. 本集團對資料安全的承諾
    1. 為保持資料的準確性、防止在未經授權的情況下讀取資料並確保正確使用資料,本集團已採取適當的措施,保障及確保本集團收集的資料的安全。本集團採用名為SSL的行内標準加密資訊渠道保護資料。本集團在本集團網站安裝防火牆保護資料,防止未經授權或意外的取覽。然而,互聯網尚未有措施能夠確保資料完全保密及安全,故無法確保閣下與本集團之間的通訊能夠完全保密。閣下知悉並接受資料被未經授權或意外取覽的風險。這可能導致(其中包括)閣下從其他人士收到非應邀訊息。就因閣下與本集團通訊或因而導致閣下招致或蒙受的直接、間接、特殊或相應而生的損失,本集團無須就任何方面負責。本集團建議閣下採取防護措施保護任何密碼及財務資料(例如:信用卡詳情),以防未經授權取用。閣下應確保於使用後登出閣下的賬戶,尤其當使用共用電腦時。

  9. 本集團對兒童資料私隱的承諾
    1. 本集團重視保護兒童資料私隱。在未經家長或監護人同意的情況下,本集團不會明知而收集十五歲以下人士的資料。如閣下是十五歲以下人士,閣下向本集團提供任何個人資料前,應諮詢閣下的家長或監護人。

  10. 其他網站
    1. 本集團網站可能載有第三者網站的連結(「外部網站」)。閣下取覽及使用外部網站受限於適用於外部網站的條款及細則、私隱政策及實務,且須自行承擔風險。
    2. 所有外部網站一律與本集團網站概無關連。華懋集團不能控制外部網站、其內容、規管其使用的條款及細則或其私隱政策或實務。就任何外部網站的質素或保安,本集團概不作出任何保證或陳述。因此,閣下應該充分意識到提供外部網站連結並不構成任何華懋集團成員的認可、准許、推薦或與任何華懋集團成員任何形式的合作或聯繫。當閣下點擊連結離開任何本集團網站進入外部網站時,應閱讀外部網站的條款及細則及私隱政策。

  11. 使用資料作直接促銷
    1. 每位收集資料的華懋集團成員有意使用資料作直接促銷,為此該成員須獲得閣下的同意。請閣下注意下列事項:
      1. 可使用資料的種類

        1. 閣下的姓名、地址、電話號碼、電郵地址及其他聯絡資料;
        2. 有關閣下就服務、產品及設施的使用、購買或消費的模式及行為(包括服務及產品組合資料及消費習慣);及
        3. 閣下的人口統計數據。
      2. 被促銷的服務、產品及標的類別

        1. 該成員或任何其他華懋集團成員獨自或與任何其他發展商或人士不時提供作出售及/或出租的房地產或物業發展項目;
        2. 按揭貸款及其他信貸服務;
        3. 酒店、商務會議設施及服務、餐廳、餐飲、康樂設施及娛樂;及
        4. 為慈善或非牟利目的的捐款或捐贈及相關活動或節目。
      3. 被促銷服務、產品及標的的供應商

        1. 該華懋集團成員;
        2. 其他華懋集團成員;及
        3. 本集團夥伴(而該等本集團夥伴的名稱可於有關服務、產品及標的的申請表或資料單張內找到)。本集團夥伴可包括地產發展商、金融機構、零售商戶、服務供應商、慈善團體及非牟利組織。
    2. 閣下任何時候均擁有最終的權利選擇及控制閣下欲從本集團收到的資料種類。當閣下使用本集團的網上服務或收取本集團的宣傳材料時,閣下會有機會表明日後是否願意收到本集團的宣傳材料。如閣下決定不再從本集團接收任何最新資訊,歡迎透過網站或有關資訊所載列的方法聯絡本集團,以取消訂閱。

  12. 查閱或改正閣下的資料或聯絡本集團
    1. 閣下有權確定本集團是否持有閣下的資料、要求查閱閣下的資料及改正任何不準確的閣下資料。如要索取閣下的資料副本或改正資料,敬請以書面形式向本集團保障資料主任發送電郵至pdo@chinachemgroup.com或致函以下地址:


    2. 根據條例的條文,本集團有權就處理任何查閱資料要求收取合理費用。

  13. 獲取資料隱私政策聲明
    1. 閣下可於本集團網站或於12段所載地址,閱覽及索取經不時修訂的本聲明。
    2. 本聲明不會限制閣下作為資料當事人在條例下所享有的權利。



Data Privacy and Security Policy Statement

  1. Commitment to Personal Data Protection

    "Chinachem Group", "Chinachem", "CCG" "we", "us" or "our" mean each of and collectively, Chime Corporation Limited and its holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and associated companies.

    1. In handling personal data, CCG is committed to protecting your personal data privacy in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 of the laws of Hong Kong (the "Ordinance").
    2. To enable you to make informed decisions about providing us with your personal data ("Data") when using our websites, we outline in this notice our policies and practices and the choices you have concerning the collection and use of your Data. This notice sets out the kinds of Data which may be collected, the main purposes for which your Data may be used, and who you may contact for making data access requests and data correction requests.
    3. We may update this notice from time to time. You are advised to review this notice from time to time.

  2. Types of Data We Collect
    1. The types of Data we collect from you will depend on (i) the nature of your relationship with Chinachem Group and (ii) the specific types of services, products, facilities or privileges as requested by or provided to you. The types of Data we collect may include:
      1. your personal information (e.g. your name, gender, date of birth, nationality, family status, passport or other identification number, the particulars of your registered status with any of the Chinachem Group members or its business associates);
      2. your contact information (e.g. your telephone number, mailing address, email address, and fax number);
      3. your business information (e.g. the name of your company, employer or principal and your business title);
      4. your credit card or other charge card information (e.g. name of cardholder, card number, billing address and expiry date);
      5. information about your use of our websites, services or products, your personal preferences and comments, and responses to promotional offers and surveys.
    2. We stress that it is not obligatory for you to provide the Data to us. However, if you elect not to provide the Data, we may not be able to supply or continue to supply you with the relevant information, services or products.

  3. Purposes for which the Data are Collected and Used
    1. Depending on (i) the nature of your relationship with Chinachem Group and (ii) the specific types of services, products, facilities or privileges as requested by or provided to you, Chinachem Group members may use the Data for one or more of the following purposes from time to time:
      1. to process your application or request for services, products, facilities or privileges (including assessing and investigating your ability to perform your obligations and, where appropriate, your credit worthiness, financial status and repayment ability);
      2. to provide services, products, facilities or privileges to you, and handle the necessary arrangements and matters (including legal, administrative and other matters) for maintaining and managing such services, products, facilities or privileges. These services, products, facilities or privileges may relate to the sale, purchase or leasing of property units or car parking spaces, the provision of mortgage loans, or property management, and may include membership clubs or reward or loyalty programmes;
      3. to verify your identity and accuracy of the Data;
      4. to appraise and review your ability to perform your obligations and, where appropriate, your credit worthiness, financial status and repayment ability from time to time;
      5. to calculate any amount payable by you or to you in connection with the relevant services, products, facilities or privileges;
      6. to collect or recover any amount or indebtedness owing by you in any capacity;
      7. to enforce the terms of any contract or arrangement between you and any Chinachem Group member and to take suitable action to protect or preserve the rights or benefits of any Chinachem Group member;
      8. to communicate with you and for overall relationship management and maintenance;
      9. to investigate, handle and respond to any comments, messages, requests, enquiries, complaints or incidents made by you, made against you or involving you in any manner;
      10. to assist banks, financial institutions and credit providers from which you obtain or apply for credit facilitiesto conduct credit checks about you or collect debts owing by you;
      11. to design, arrange, provide or procure services, products, facilities, privileges, activities or events for you or for customers generally, through our websites or other telecommunications channels or electronic means;
      12. to conduct survey, research and analysis to facilitate the provision of services, products, facilities, privileges, activities or events to you or to customers generally;
      13. to market and promote services, products, development projects, facilities, events and/or activities offered or organised by any Chinachem Group member or any business partner (including any joint venture companies in which any Chinachem Group member has an interest) or selected company that has made any co-branding or cooperative arrangement with any Chinachem Group member (each, a "Group Partner"), please see further details in paragraph 11K (Use of the Data in Direct Marketing) below;
      14. to comply with any obligations or requirements for using or disclosing personal data that are imposed on any Chinachem Group member by any law or regulations, or by any governmental agency, regulatory authority, law enforcement agency, court or judicial body, whether in or outside of Hong Kong existing currently or in the future;
      15. to comply with any policies and measures for using or disclosing personal data implemented by the Chinachem Group for prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities;
      16. to match or compare the Data held by any Chinachem Group member from time to time in order to or intending to produce or verify data which may be used for taking adverse action against you;
      17. (where any Chinachem Group member believes in good faith that use or disclosure of personal data is necessary) to protect the rights or properties of any Chinachem Group member, or to identify, contact or bring legal action against any person who may be causing damage to or interference with the rights or properties of any Chinachem Group member (whether intentionally or otherwise), or when any other person could be harmed by such activities;
      18. to enable actual or potential purchasers or assignees of any Chinachem Group member or its business and assets (or any part of them including any mortgage loans granted by the member), in each case to evaluate the purchase or assignment in question; and
      19. to fulfill other purposes directly related to any of the above purpose or other purposes which you may agree from time to time.
    2. We will not knowingly or intentionally use, disclose, sell or rent the Data provided to us for purposes other than or that are unrelated to those set out above without your consent.

  4. Disclosure and Transfer of Data
    1. The Chinachem Group members will keep the Data confidential but may disclose or transfer the Data to one or more of the following classes of persons from time to time for the purposes set out in paragraph 3C above:
      1. any other Chinachem Group members in connection with the provision of services, products, facilities or privileges;
      2. where a Chinachem Group member provides a mortgage loan, any borrower, mortgagor or guarantor of that mortgage loan (including any co-borrower, co-mortgagor or co-guarantor, if applicable);
      3. any agents, sub-agents, suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors or service providers (including their employees, directors, officers, agents and service providers) who provide services or support to any Chinachem Group member in connection with the sale or marketing of properties or with its business or operations in general. These services or support may include sales and marketing, data storage, data processing, administrative, telecommunications, or computer services. These agents, sub-agents, suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors or service providers may or may not be Chinachem Group members;
      4. any bank, financial institution or credit provider from which you obtain or apply for credit facilities (which may include first equitable mortgagee or first mortgagee);
      5. any person to whom any Chinachem Group member is under any obligation or requirement to disclose personal data in compliance with law, regulation or court order, or in response to lawful request by any governmental agency, regulatory authority, law enforcement agency, court or judicial body, or in case any Chinachem Group member believes in good faith that disclosure is necessary for (including but not limited to) protection of its rights or properties, or to identify, contact or bring legal action against any person who may be causing damage to or interference with its rights or properties (whether intentionally or otherwise), or when any other person could be harmed by such activities;
      6. any person to whom any Chinachem Group member is required to disclose personal data by any policies and measures implemented by the Chinachem Group for prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities;
      7. any person who owes a duty of confidentiality to any Chinachem Group member, including accountants, auditors, legal advisers and other professional advisers;
      8. any independent contractor or agent appointed by any Chinachem Group member to conduct assessment and investigation of your ability to perform your obligations and, where appropriate, your credit worthiness, financial status and repayment ability;
      9. any debt collection agency, where you default in paying any amount or indebtedness; and
      10. any actual or potential purchaser or assignee of any Chinachem Group member or its business and assets (or any part of them including any mortgage loans granted by the member).
    2. The Data may be transferred in or out of Hong Kong to any of the persons set out above. By providing the Data to any Chinachem Group member, you agree that Chinachem Group may transfer the Data outside Hong Kong.

      Where the Data is transferred outside Hong Kong, we will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the Data transferred outside Hong Kong is protected by standards in line with the requirements of the Ordinance, subject to any other requirements and limitations applicable in the relevant overseas jurisdiction.

  5. Data Retention
    1. The Data you provide to us will be kept by us only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in paragraph 3C above. The Data after which it will be destroyed in accordance with the Ordinance after the purposes have been fulfilled.

  6. Use of Cookies
    1. In order to provide you with better user experience and customizable and personalized services on our websites, “cookies” may be created and saved on your computer. Cookies are small text files that are automatically created and stored on your web browser in your computer or other access device (e.g. a smart phone or tablet) which can be retrieved by our websites. Cookies will store information about your site preferences (e.g. if you inquire about rates and availability, the site might create a cookie that contains the details you entered), navigation pattern, your login name, etc and be used to track visits to our websites but will not collect or store any information by accessing the rest of your computer. For example, our websites cannot determine your name, address, telephone number or any similar information unless you choose to type it on any of our websites. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can at any time disable the cookies in your web browser. However, by disabling the cookies, you will be unable to use some of the features of our websites.

  7. Log Files
    1. We may also collect information regarding your IP address, browser type, domain name and access time ("Log Files"). Log Files are primarily used for our own research purposes and are kept separately from the Data. In certain circumstances permitted by the Ordinance, IP addresses may be used to assist in investigating, deterring and/or preventing abusive or criminal activity on our websites.

  8. Our Commitment to Data Security
    1. To maintain the accuracy of the Data, as well as preventing unauthorised access and ensuring the correct use of the Data, we have carried out appropriate measures to safeguard and secure the Data we collect. We use an industry standard for encryption over the Internet known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, to protect the Data.

      We install a firewall on our websites to protect the Data against unauthorised or accidental access. However, complete confidentiality and security is not possible over the Internet, and data privacy cannot be absolutely assured in your communications with us. You acknowledge and accept the risk of unauthorised or accidental access of the Data. This may result in, among others, you receiving unsolicited messages from other parties. We are not responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages that you may incur or suffer caused by or arising from your communications with us. You are advised to take precautionary measures against unauthorised access to any passwords and financial information such as credit card details. You should make sure you sign out or log out from your account after use particularly when using a shared computer.

  9. Our Commitment to Children's Data Privacy
    1. We treat data privacy of children seriously. We will not knowingly collect personal data from persons who are under 15 years of age without prior consent from a parent or guardian. If you are under 15 years of age, you should consult your parent or guardian before providing any personal data to us.

  10. Other Websites
    1. Our websites may contain links to external third party websites ("external websites"). Your access to and use of an external website is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions, and privacy policies and practices applicable to the external website.
    2. All external websites are independent from our websites. Chinachem Group has no control over the external websites, their contents or the terms and conditions governing their use, or their privacy policies and practices. We do not give any warranty or representation for the quality or security of any external websites. You should therefore be fully aware that the provision of the link to an external website does not constitute an endorsement, approval, recommendation or any form of cooperation or association by or with any Chinachem Group member. You should therefore remain alert when you click on a link to leave any of our websites and enter an external website, and you should read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of that external website.

  11. Use of the Data in Direct Marketing
    1. Each Chinachem Group member that collects the Data intends to use the Data in direct marketing and that member requires your consent for this purpose. Please note the following:
      1. Types of Data to be used

        That Chinachem Group member may use the following types of Data that is held by it from time to time in direct marketing:
        1. your name, address, telephone number, email address and other contact information;
        2. pattern and behaviour relating to your use, purchase or consumption of services, products and facilities (including services and products portfolio information and spending habits); and
        3. your demographic data.
      2. Classes of services, products and subjects to be marketed

        That Chinachem Group member may market one or more of the following classes of services, products and subjects:
        1. real estate properties or property developments offered for sale and/or leasing by that member or any other Chinachem Group member singly or jointly with any other developer or person from time to time;
        2. mortgage loan and other credit facilities;
        3. hotel, conferencing facilities and services, restaurants, food and beverages, amenities and entertainment; and
        4. donations or contributions for charitable or non-profit making purposes and related activities or events.
      3. Providers of services, products and subjects to be marketed

        The above services, products and subjects may be provided by one or more of the following classes of persons:
        1. that Chinachem Group member;
        2. other Chinachem Group members; and
        3. Group Partners (and the names of these Group Partners can be found in the application form or information leaflet relating to the relevant services, products and subjects). Group Partners may include real estate developers, financial institutions, retail merchants, service providers, charitable bodies and non-profit making organisations.
    2. You always have ultimate choice and control over the type of information you would like to receive from us. When you use our online services or receive our promotional materials, you will have the chance to indicate your choice to receive, or not to receive in future, promotional materials from us. Should you decide not to receive any updates from us, feel free to cancel your subscription to these services by contacting us via the contact information provided on the websites or as indicated in the relevant materials.

  12. How to Access or Correct Your Data or Contact Us
    1. You are entitled to ascertain whether we hold your Data, request access to your Data and correction of any of your Data which is inaccurate. If you wish to obtain a copy of any of your Data or to correct your Data, please issue a request in writing to our Data Protection Officer at pdo@chinachemgroup.com or at the following address:

      Data Protection Officer
      Chinachem Group
      35-38 Floor, Nina Tower,
      8 Yeung Uk Road
      Hong Kong
    2. In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.

  13. Access to Data Privacy Policy Statement
    1. You may access and obtain a copy of this notice, as amended from time to time from our websites, or from the address set out in paragraph 12 above.
    2. Nothing in this notice shall limit your rights as a data subject under the Ordinance.

This notice is written in the English language and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.