追昔 望將來

Time-travelling to the Future


一步一步走進明天,須從經歷積累智慧,更須一份開放的態度。未來的日常,將與科 技更加糾纏難分。它會為生活帶來便利?還是會把咫尺感情拒於千里?人工智能, 能否支援人類情感的需要?科技於未來的定位,取決於我們。

在時光隧道裡會展出由華懋集團和英國建築師蘇子葳合作於《第十七屆威尼斯國 際建築雙年展》首映作品「E-Motion-AI City」,引導你思考科技於未來的定位。


Time will inevitably pass us; memory, however, can be saved deep in our hearts for reminiscing from time to time. We count on the knowledge gained through experience and an open heart when we step into the future. Tomorrow, our daily lives will be more closely linked with technology. Will it bring us more convenience, or will it tear us apart from each other? Will artificial intelligence be able to support our emotional needs?

In this transformation tunnel, you will have the chance to ponder on future technologies and how they will impact our daily lives by watching the film “E-Motion-AI City”, which is co-curated by Chinachem Group and British Architect Tszwai So, and will premiere at the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Defining the role of future technologies is in our own hands.